Chalk Bones

My polished cheeks inherited

these whispered blushes.

Above them sits one jewel

in the traverse

of my brow’s flesh –

a stream of teardrops,

permanently nestle

in the body of my face –

they remind me of the child

caught crying

in ink black darkness

where the silver shadows

of pale moons would try to invade

her solemnity –


we would dance

a reflection; swooning and

dipping, dodging emptiness,

faded scars and the morass

of past pain, redacted,

and the remains left to degrade.

Calm, moon chalk

expressions would beat down

in rhythmic shadows on my chest,

imposing stoic interruptions

where my stolid heart should be;

still at press pause, afraid of my

its heartbeat, of my organs,

of mnemonic patterns –

countless disjointed

memories have scattered,

fluttering endlessly like crazed

butterflies –

out of control

in chasms of grey, fleshy matter

where pretty cacti run my veins –

flower buds, seldom seen,

are happy there

forcing blood, forcing life.

I bang on the mirror…

until cracks fill with my blood –

like grime and dirt,

the pain of my disease

is ingrained –

it cannot be wiped away –

so my reflection oscillates.

I roll my cheeks one at a time;

offering warm flesh pressed hard

against cold glass –

my orange painted lips linger,

to mouth a prayer –

‘let my bones break

so that I might heal.’

I resolve one day to stop this

dance of attrition – and smear on

the neon, shop bought face mask,

swapping sorrows for sin,

and wade out from the steamy mire –

memories wiped, facets polished, pores unclogged –

for a little while

at least.

Cold cupped hands beat

the rhythm of the rain – the pale moonshine

is still smothered in shade –

ashen faced, I am inside the mirror,

but at least, I am whole.


Picture source unknown

I say goodbye
holding your hand,
desperately searching
for raw comfort,
but from clay cold skin and defeated flesh,
words will no longer form, nor
draw me close.
You hold a smile,
and it squeezes my heart softly
with a palpable
sense of who I am and who we were.
I think you have just found a dream
inside of death, and see a vision
higher than we, one rich in vitality
for your journey or destiny –
I don’t believe we are
really saying goodbye,
and so, sweet dreams, my love –
stay far from errant shadows –
so I can see you
on the other side

I’M SO CLOSE – HELP me round off 2018 and my JustGiving target of £1,000! Let’s beat cancer sooner. Would you support me in raising funds – every little bit helps – even the price of your next coffee?

In aid of CR


I’m using the run up to the holidays to ask friends for their support and ask if you would donate a small amount by using my donation button below (any country) or text BGON64 to 70070 (for those here in the UK) to give whatever you can (even the price of a solitary cuppa) to help Cancer Research and Breast Cancer Research. As a breast cancer survivor, I can sincerely say that your help is more than appreciated.

Cancer Research is not government funded and is responsible for a high percentage of the major breakthroughs we have seen to date.   One of those drugs saved my life. Without you and me, those breakthroughs will not happen. Regardless of the amount or where you live in this world, your generosity will one day give the gift of life.

On the JustGiving page, you will find verification. It will also tell you all about my story, reasons and action plan I’ve used and for the foreseeable future.  As you will read, I had a set back due to illness, but will be continuing and getting out there in 2019!

Thank you very much!


JustGiving - Sponsor me now!



Rare Breeds



A magnificence of feats,

if dear hearts survive testimony,

witness to the ills of humanity;

stubborn as it is smart,

lethal as it loving –

doomed from the off.

If one red breasted heave

survives our test of time –

life has not been in vain.



A Quadrille consists of 44 words.

Microplastics – Grains of Humanity #Rant/Haiku


I’ve just watched a documentary about the plastics devastation to our world.  Cheap, strong, light…. deadly.  Decades into this nightmare is seeing the prolonged use and production and the research of such manifest.   By now the consumption by marine life all the way up the food chain not only kills and maims, it has long since seeped into their>our deadly diet.  New findings reveal that plastic for some reason carries bacteria that is both harmful to us and marine life.

Small clean up groups and small innovations will not be able to attack fully or kill this giant disaster; global action from wealthy governments need to turn off single use plastic taps and invest in saving planetary life.  When the ocean dies, we die.   It is monstrous what we continue to pump into the oceans each day.  Despite added pressure by us the consumer on huge industries, experts reckon that production is set to rise by a massive 500% a year as we go forward.  The more we do is countermanded by this greed, ineptitude of big business.  Governments whether in denial or corruption based leave peoples no other option than to send their waste to the nearest rivers due to the lack of effective recycle or sanitary conditions.

And here in the west, we do it too!  We need global action, guidelines and enforcement.  Now.    This scourge has travelled to the far, far reaches that scientists find mind boggling.  From the Antarctic, the north and south poles, to life in seas so deep, that we are only just discovering vast species that live there… they are all stuffed with harmful pieces of plastics and microplastics (material no bigger than 1mm).

A huge proportion of birds fail take off due to the weight of plastic in their stomachs.  Birds feed plastic to their young every second we breathe.   Birds are a main source in gathering this vital information.  Shocking, disgusting and heart wrenching are just some of the words used by renowned scientists today.

We ought to be doing a whole hell of a lot more.  Educate ourselves more.   We can never live without certain plastics by now, but with the amount of resources floating around this planet today , it is shocking how little is being done, and how much by those who have nothing!  We need to share that and put an end to this and harmful single use, extraneous objects we do not need –  if we care to at least save some semblance of a future for our great, great grandchildren.

But to be honest, I care more about the other sentient life forces on this planet that we have cruelly disrupted than I do the former.  Hunted to extinction, garrotted by deadly plastics, suffering malnutrition due to heavy consumption of plastics on a daily basis.  Numerous species are being wiped out.  Whales torn in two by fisherman loath to adapt to new innovations and dumping their gear – a major killer and torturer of marine life.

Fishing gear and debris is a main source of cruelty and death in the oceans today.  Imagine young marine life ie young seals struggling to live, breathe, grow and feed whilst being strangled by plastic wires around their necks until they are decapitated.  Apply that to almost every contributor on this planet, going about their lives in this way, because of us.  All whilst we get on with every day things, from school, gas bills to the death of our dog, while drinking from our one hundredth, unnecessary, shop bought plastic bottle that we survived pretty well without for most of our lives.  This planet encompasses all of that.  But know that research has yet to unlock what effects to our hormones, reproduction and other this plastic epidemic is having on us – and also, if we cannot eat the food we hunt…  Already other sentient beings are showing signs of all of this.  This nightmare.  Use the tools we have.  Become educated.  Act!

We (humanity) are yet another blip on this planet – worth seconds in the scheme of things. Yet, we have been the most deadly and poisonous one.

Once soft were oceans
We are deadly assassins
Oh misery, we

Thank you for reading, and I hope it encourages a lot of you to ‘do’, create and instil in others the most basic of change.  Join this global revolution and take the time to learn what you might achieve, ie do not buy single use plastic, petition companies, change your habits.  Find out all you need to do.   This is so huge it is the stuff of nightmares.


Carved Hearts


Ivory Madonna
abandoned in the dust,
carved from infants’
blood laced tears –
their hacked off faces
seduce the lust.
See the whole world weeping,
carrying the pain,
heading for disaster’s
burden of beast’s and famine
when winter comes again.
Wasted, starving children’s
ghosted sockets cry,
begging us, their saviour,
for manna on the plain.

Chronic Canvas

chronic cnavas

Picture: Jay Nabonne

charcoal clouds smudged by thumbs
once haughty –
leaned before angled perpendicular
with promises of black line afterlife; mid air

heady, hung like his smokers’ lungs –
fringed, black laced –
grieving for some time
and for something sinister – brooding
but not quite imagined, not quite
realised on life’s stark canvas
where thumbs are shadow puppets
still stuck in contemplation.

how does one recreate visions of the dying,
and paint death’s culprit edges, dimly
lit by shadows inside wheezing
last breaths?

smoke filters fraying cushions
of shape shifting disease –
hidden, toxically poised – exhaled,
life is spent nervous energy and regrets –
all bad scions; not a good wash for pretty
pastels caught in a ridiculous tango
with painter, thumb and a wispy capacity
of mournful oxygen rattling alone on canvas.


The Human in InHUMANity


as the needle stuck
the song became torture

is this when we became like savages?
Did we disappear
like the last of the ice age’s
purest snow?

We became dried, wilted
potential overtaken by diseases
like consumerism
carried by emerging globalisation
way before when
we were still ankle high to
grace, kindness,
love, tolerance,

now we wade knee deep
in blood.
deceit, treachery,
anger and poverty,
war –
inhumanity’s bones
and severed ego’s
fill graveyards
while we
seed beds of

we strip away the promises
we make; some still hang like
rancid fruit,
none for our labours,
none for the babies without mothers
whose cries echo
in chambers;
rubble is not marketable,
but concrete
crumbs are the new harvest

we sell licenses
that fund wars
and injustices –
basks where tourism
would like to be
and we franchise
greed and ambivalence;
bloodied artefacts
sells on stalls
in high end cultures,
whose bulging eyes can’t see
the horror
for $£€¥

We drill subversion
and oppression into our earth’s
sobbing, sodden grief –
butchering it
with heavy machinery

we strip it bare
yanking its hair from roots
until bloody scalps
weep and all our selfish actions,
and double standards,
fume from chimneys
and the smokers lung of
industry –

vapid excuses rise
to prick holes
in the very fabric
of humanity –
trying to clothe our existence,
up there out of sight
out of mind
just another layer,

we slash and razor burn
and exfoliate
till the planet lies naked
without succour
or so much as a smell
of cold money laying
on the dresser
we take
and take
and take
and take
and take.
and kill
and kill
and kill
and kill
and kill.
and watch
and watch
and watch
and watch
and watch.


Ken Hallett Blog

Writing Lostness

my life as a piece of string

... from a silent space

Letters on my Heart

The Broken Cannot Rise Alone...

Discarded Recollections

A Repository of Discarded Poetry, Story Prompts, and Memories

Lluís Bussé

Barcelona's Multiverse | Art | Culture | Science

The Lonely Author

Pain goes in, love comes out.

Light Touch

Just wondering at the miracle called LIFE .


poetry by Robert Ford

Rachana Trp.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

Story Of The Footloose

In the end all you want is a pen that writes well and a life that you've lived well.

Megha's World

A potpourri of emotions


Poetry and words

The Bouquet Gallery

A collection of beautiful things and thoughts

Stuff and what if...

Exploring writing and the creative randomness of life. Snapshots of moments.

Just Brian

"Not all who wander are lost..."


A Discarded Plant

A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones.


My poetry is my religion.

A Blooming Scribe

Poetry, short essays and other work showcased by a Scientist, Philosopher, and Adventurer. Posts on Monday and First Fridays.

L. Stevens

Poetry and Novel in Progress


The Little Poetastry; The little stories

The Broad Spectrum Life

Exploring Rhymes, Reasons, and Nuances of Our World

David Redpath

We're all on a road to somewhere.

Seductive Darkness

Provocative poetry and musings on life

The Renegade Press

Tales from the mouth of a wolf


Your Brain is a Radio that Does What its Told


Encouraging animal advocacy and compassion

Mark Deeble

A wildlife filmmaker in Africa


big book guy


Just another site

Hearing The Mermaids Sing

At Least Trying Too


Poetry by Mich

Frank Solanki

If you want to be a hero well just follow me


MarkovichUniverse AT gmail DOT com


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.

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