Still Liquid


Pic source:

Humanity will find peace,
even within the storm;
a ferocity that engulfs a body
and makes it limp, exhausted and mute
will also embrace the indifference
of each soul’s worship –
just as honey drips
stubborn and slow –
ultimately it will be free
as the storm dissipates.

The Meaning of Life #Haiku

Inspired by Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)


Those who plant the trees
To grow inquisitive roots
Will never know shade

Excuse my misleading tags: WordPress is now having an invisible man hissy fit.  I cannot see or delete what I am typing for them…  hence my absence, among other things.


Rare Breeds



A magnificence of feats,

if dear hearts survive testimony,

witness to the ills of humanity;

stubborn as it is smart,

lethal as it loving –

doomed from the off.

If one red breasted heave

survives our test of time –

life has not been in vain.



A Quadrille consists of 44 words.

Bleeding Selfish

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A rumble of silence creeps
into the veins of
tangible pain, numbing senses
while corruption still tortures.

Our touch contaminates
until we sicken
nature’s soft noise –
drowning against
humanity’s sonorous roar –
animals need to sleep
amid our mess.

Tribes and wildlife and ecosystems need to exist –
amid our mess, not endure enforced extinction.
We have made some
of the biggest mistakes
of our existence.
But we are who we are,
and mistakes will happen
until we are no longer here…
amid our mess.



Memories are slim chance shadows
That glide between the light and darkness

Imagination is a fat cat
Waiting to swell our indifferences

Hope is a ritual seizing of every chance we have
Breathing is an exercise performed daily

Waiting is a nervous habit, what are we waiting for?
Doom is nearby and calling cards are left

Defiantly… What are we going to do?

If you don’t believe the earth is not flat
Or that it revolves around the sun…

Go away.


The Future Ablaze

Climate Change.jpg

climate change-weather-elephants-writingasitcomes

Heatwaves make us reach
Frost’s fingers plunge into earth
In search of relief

Fire after fire, drought after drought, fires in Antarctica! – Remove the fossils and keep the other fossils underground…  then our young might breathe with ease.   Do your part in your own bubble and fight back.  Just say No!  Stop the plastic tap.  Help stop fossil fuel pollution (acclimatise to find other jobs).  Wake up to tyranny (trade wars and counter productive subsidies).  Enough is enough, all at the expense of our future and global harmony.  Cretins come and go, make this one go!  Deniers are brainwashed zombies… just wake up!


mamu“Scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct every 24 hours. This is nearly 1,000 times the “natural” or “background” rate and, say many biologists, is greater than anything the world has experienced since the vanishing of the dinosaurs nearly 65m years ago.”

Is our sole purpose
to contribute
to the epic verse
of the universe?
Or to document
in written, raw emotion
like stepping on
emeralds in the sand?
My dreams harden,
and sparkle
inside of geodes’ imaginations.
With the right mix of erosion and stress
earth’s natural sandstone
of arches and columns,
come into their own,

also eroded by tears
and mammoth tusks and hard shoulders;
rocks rubbed to a fine polish
stand mile high,
of long ago,
A time unknown
to our bare feet, till
we, the intruders,
came and made them
History will repeat
itself –
and extinction’s epitaphs
will be made.
But slow the pace of this
manic and unnecessary, beating drum.
Survival and intellect,
tribes and competition,
greed and capitalism,
humanity’s neo morals.
We are all a part,
we are the rhythm,
But without a heart
We are nothing.



Early spring
and tiny drops of rain
are jagged breaths of air.
Sea swells and angry tides
confide their bitterness to us.
Dry mouths without food,
are sat cross legged, swollen
on ruptured cracks,
feeding on breaths of air
while heat rises and crawling oceans
rage with less canopy to soothe
those savage flames.
Shadowless creatures scurry,
falling between the cracks
regularly bulldozed, and become mislaid –
lost to a civilisation
bereft of compassion, fed on
self serving plates of greed
and corruption that
co exist, as
man and beast should co exist –
and why hoards of humanity
starve, drown or bathe in their own plastic
prophets of doom
bubbling and strangling
everything in earth’s amniotic fluid,
sustaining only the havoc
we have wreaked.
Fascist dealers in this world
must change (or be removed)
like the orangutan,
polar bear,
human –
four on an endless list,
before the climate changes us,


Journey #Haiku


Walking though the world
Hand in hand with nature’s dilemma
A cool breeze still blows

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