Microplastics – Grains of Humanity #Rant/Haiku


I’ve just watched a documentary about the plastics devastation to our world.  Cheap, strong, light…. deadly.  Decades into this nightmare is seeing the prolonged use and production and the research of such manifest.   By now the consumption by marine life all the way up the food chain not only kills and maims, it has long since seeped into their>our deadly diet.  New findings reveal that plastic for some reason carries bacteria that is both harmful to us and marine life.

Small clean up groups and small innovations will not be able to attack fully or kill this giant disaster; global action from wealthy governments need to turn off single use plastic taps and invest in saving planetary life.  When the ocean dies, we die.   It is monstrous what we continue to pump into the oceans each day.  Despite added pressure by us the consumer on huge industries, experts reckon that production is set to rise by a massive 500% a year as we go forward.  The more we do is countermanded by this greed, ineptitude of big business.  Governments whether in denial or corruption based leave peoples no other option than to send their waste to the nearest rivers due to the lack of effective recycle or sanitary conditions.

And here in the west, we do it too!  We need global action, guidelines and enforcement.  Now.    This scourge has travelled to the far, far reaches that scientists find mind boggling.  From the Antarctic, the north and south poles, to life in seas so deep, that we are only just discovering vast species that live there… they are all stuffed with harmful pieces of plastics and microplastics (material no bigger than 1mm).

A huge proportion of birds fail take off due to the weight of plastic in their stomachs.  Birds feed plastic to their young every second we breathe.   Birds are a main source in gathering this vital information.  Shocking, disgusting and heart wrenching are just some of the words used by renowned scientists today.

We ought to be doing a whole hell of a lot more.  Educate ourselves more.   We can never live without certain plastics by now, but with the amount of resources floating around this planet today , it is shocking how little is being done, and how much by those who have nothing!  We need to share that and put an end to this and harmful single use, extraneous objects we do not need –  if we care to at least save some semblance of a future for our great, great grandchildren.

But to be honest, I care more about the other sentient life forces on this planet that we have cruelly disrupted than I do the former.  Hunted to extinction, garrotted by deadly plastics, suffering malnutrition due to heavy consumption of plastics on a daily basis.  Numerous species are being wiped out.  Whales torn in two by fisherman loath to adapt to new innovations and dumping their gear – a major killer and torturer of marine life.

Fishing gear and debris is a main source of cruelty and death in the oceans today.  Imagine young marine life ie young seals struggling to live, breathe, grow and feed whilst being strangled by plastic wires around their necks until they are decapitated.  Apply that to almost every contributor on this planet, going about their lives in this way, because of us.  All whilst we get on with every day things, from school, gas bills to the death of our dog, while drinking from our one hundredth, unnecessary, shop bought plastic bottle that we survived pretty well without for most of our lives.  This planet encompasses all of that.  But know that research has yet to unlock what effects to our hormones, reproduction and other this plastic epidemic is having on us – and also, if we cannot eat the food we hunt…  Already other sentient beings are showing signs of all of this.  This nightmare.  Use the tools we have.  Become educated.  Act!

We (humanity) are yet another blip on this planet – worth seconds in the scheme of things. Yet, we have been the most deadly and poisonous one.

Once soft were oceans
We are deadly assassins
Oh misery, we

Thank you for reading, and I hope it encourages a lot of you to ‘do’, create and instil in others the most basic of change.  Join this global revolution and take the time to learn what you might achieve, ie do not buy single use plastic, petition companies, change your habits.  Find out all you need to do.   This is so huge it is the stuff of nightmares.


The Future Ablaze

Climate Change.jpg

climate change-weather-elephants-writingasitcomes

Heatwaves make us reach
Frost’s fingers plunge into earth
In search of relief

Fire after fire, drought after drought, fires in Antarctica! – Remove the fossils and keep the other fossils underground…  then our young might breathe with ease.   Do your part in your own bubble and fight back.  Just say No!  Stop the plastic tap.  Help stop fossil fuel pollution (acclimatise to find other jobs).  Wake up to tyranny (trade wars and counter productive subsidies).  Enough is enough, all at the expense of our future and global harmony.  Cretins come and go, make this one go!  Deniers are brainwashed zombies… just wake up!

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