The Big, Sweet Wolf

Heart warming stuff again from the Dodo Express – Action Against Man-Made Extinction. Check it out, please. Lend them your support…and for just a few more seconds, your ‘likes’

Wolves Saved my Life

click link above to watch a brief, but moving video

At Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC), veterans suffering from PTSD are connecting to nature in a way few would expect–bonding with the big, bad wolf.


LARC provides therapy in the form of wolves, wolf-dogs, coyotes, foxes, and Primurine horses. These therapy animals are rescues from terrible living conditions or a threatening environment. The facility spays, neuters, and microchips all of the rescued animals in a fight against the breeding of wildlife in a domestic setting.

With these rescues, packs are formed naturally when individual animals show they are ready to bond with other animals. The bigger the pack, the larger the enclosure they require. LARC is highly sensitive to a pack’s need for space and provides spacious habitats.

Lockwood Animal Rescue Center Wolfguard

LARC employs returning combat veterans to care for traumatized wolves through a program called Warriors and Wolves. The wolves in…

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Can the beautiful game help to protect the beauty of the seas?

More from the Dodo Express. Oceans are vast…but not so vast.

Getting people to admit that fossils fuels are a leading driver for climate change is like trying to get a turkey to vote for Christmas. It just wouldn’t happen. We all love the convenience of our cars, our heated homes, that fake aquarium wall screen—so we turn a blind eye to our own contributions.

It’s the truth that no-one wants to hear…like when Leia realised Luke was her brother, and that the kiss she stuck on him at the end of Empire Strikes Back was, in hindsight, a little bit  wrong! But burning fossil fuels is only one of the factors in this equation. The damage that our demands for convenience are causing to the oceans, essentially the lungs of the planet, is clearly irrefutable. The single-use plastic items that are thrown away in their millions each day often end up in the sea. And the results of this are…

View original post 461 more words

Ken Hallett Blog

Writing Lostness

my life as a piece of string

... from a silent space

Letters on my Heart

The Broken Cannot Rise Alone...

Discarded Recollections

A Repository of Discarded Poetry, Story Prompts, and Memories

Lluís Bussé

Barcelona's Multiverse | Art | Culture | Science

The Lonely Author

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Light Touch

Just wondering at the miracle called LIFE .


poetry by Robert Ford

Rachana Trp.

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Story Of The Footloose

In the end all you want is a pen that writes well and a life that you've lived well.

Megha's World

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Poetry and words

The Bouquet Gallery

A collection of beautiful things and thoughts

Stuff and what if...

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Just Brian

"Not all who wander are lost..."


A Discarded Plant

A Cornered Gurl

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My poetry is my religion.

A Blooming Scribe

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L. Stevens

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The Little Poetastry; The little stories

The Broad Spectrum Life

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David Redpath

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Seductive Darkness

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The Renegade Press

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Your Brain is a Radio that Does What its Told


Encouraging animal advocacy and compassion

Mark Deeble

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big book guy


Just another site

Hearing The Mermaids Sing

At Least Trying Too


Poetry by Mich

Frank Solanki

If you want to be a hero well just follow me


MarkovichUniverse AT gmail DOT com


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.

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