

Early spring
and tiny drops of rain
are jagged breaths of air.
Sea swells and angry tides
confide their bitterness to us.
Dry mouths without food,
are sat cross legged, swollen
on ruptured cracks,
feeding on breaths of air
while heat rises and crawling oceans
rage with less canopy to soothe
those savage flames.
Shadowless creatures scurry,
falling between the cracks
regularly bulldozed, and become mislaid –
lost to a civilisation
bereft of compassion, fed on
self serving plates of greed
and corruption that
co exist, as
man and beast should co exist –
and why hoards of humanity
starve, drown or bathe in their own plastic
prophets of doom
bubbling and strangling
everything in earth’s amniotic fluid,
sustaining only the havoc
we have wreaked.
Fascist dealers in this world
must change (or be removed)
like the orangutan,
polar bear,
human –
four on an endless list,
before the climate changes us,


Journey #Haiku


Walking though the world
Hand in hand with nature’s dilemma
A cool breeze still blows

River Song ~ Quadrille


Wistful waters croon
their tranquil notes,
stirring streams
to run the course
of our age’s peaks and troughs –
ululating reservoirs pool
naturally when catastrophes
become walled dams;
unabated, the simple reed’s voice
needs no coax from restless winds
to play us healing songs.

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